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Action Team for Partnerships

The Action Team for Partnerships (ATP) is a committee of stakeholders (educators, parents, community members, students) who work together to promote student learning and achievement from a family engagement perspective. 

The goal of the ATP is to strengthen the relationship between home and school and empower families to be proactive in their students' education. To conduct this work, the ATP creates an annual one-year plan that allows families and the school to work together for the shared goal of school improvement and student achievement.


ATP Mission Statement

At TRECA Digital Academy, we recognize the critical role that families play in student success. It is our belief that family and community involvement results in increased achievement, engagement, and learning outcomes for students. Therefore, it is our intention to cultivate and sustain working partnerships with families and the community.

Based on the research of Dr. Joyce Epstein, the ATP supports school goals by developing family engagement activities based on the Six Types of Involvement.

If you are interested in joining the ATP as a family member volunteer, please complete this survey. Family members who sign up will be invited to monthly virtual meetings, and will be asked to give input and help us as we work towards our goals. Please note, not all family member volunteers who express interest will be able to join at this time. These family members will be considered for future opportunities and will be asked to provide input in other ways.