The following TRECA Tech courses are available for college credit. Parents and students are advised to contact colleges and universities, asking if they are familiar with the Ohio CTAG program and confirm credit transfers from TRECA Tech. The Ohio Department of Education provides a Credit Transfer Tool that lists Ohio colleges and universities participating in the CTAG credit transfer program with courses corresponding to TRECA Tech courses. Click here to use the tool, and follow the instructions below.
1. Click on the tab Career-Technical.
2. In the dropdown menu box for WHAT WAS YOUR PROGRAM?, and select the option INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY.
4. Click the button Add to Coursework.
5. Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 using the program options in step 2 as:
6. In the Added Coursework panel, click Find Matches.
7. Expand the entries on the list by clicking the name of the college or university.
8. Match the college or university course name to the TRECA Tech course name using the table below. The second column CTAG# is a reference tag and may be used when discussing credit transfer with a college or university..
The Credit Transfer Tool is the property of the Ohio Department of Higher Education and may change without notice. TRECA does not guarantee the accuracy of the tool. Talk to a college or university advisor for confirmation of any transfer credit from TRECA Tech.
College Course | CTAG # | TRECA Course | TRECA Course # |
2D Animation | CTIM001 | Animation and Games | 145115 |
Intro to Desktop OS | CTIT005 | Computer Software, Semester A* | 145030 |
Linux | CTIT016 | Computer Software, Semester B* | 145030 |
Cybersecurity Fundementals | CTCYBR001 | Cybersecurity Defense | 146010 |
Raster Graphics | CTGRPH001 | Digital Graphics | 145100 |
Vector Graphics | CTGRPH002 | Multimedia | 145105 |
Internet and Web Languages | CTIM004 | Web Design | 145010 |
Computer Logic | CTPROG001 | Web Programming | 145060 |
*Students much complete both semesters of Computer Software.
To earn college credit, students must obtain and submit a transfer credit application to TRECA within 6 months of graduation. You may obtain the application from your TRECA counselor or email Students considering college transfer credit must contact their college admissions office to ensure credit will be transferred.