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Industry Credentials

Industry Credentials at TRECA

Did you know that you can earn authentic industry credentials through TRECA? These credentials may be applied towards graduation seals and can be used after graduation when applying for jobs.

Below are the credentials offered through TRECA. Please email us at if you have any questions!


Industry Credential Seal Pathways

RISE UP: Industry Credential Seal
Students will build an understanding of the retail industry, its impact on the economy, and the diverse jobs available. They’ll also gain crucial workplace skills that include problem-solving and working in teams.


Law & Safety: Industry Credential Seal
Students will obtain knowledge on the National Incident Management System (NIMS). NIMS will guide students on how to prevent, respond, and recover from incidents.


Hospitality & Tourism: Industry Credential Seal
Students will obtain knowledge of customer service principles and examine the impact of cultural, historical, social, and technological developments on key segments of the hospitality industry. They will also apply safety and sanitation techniques to prevent and control injuries, illnesses, and diseases in the workplace.



Career Technical Education Pathways

Cybersecurity Pathway
Students are certified for a position as a cybersecurity analyst detecting and evaluating vulnerabilities and attacks. Students must complete the entire Cybersecurity pathway before taking an exam. Additional exam preparation is recommended.


Interactive Media Pathway
Demonstrates professional-level knowledge of Adobe Creative Cloud applications. Students must complete either CTE-Multimedia (Illustrator) or CTE-Digital Graphics (Photoshop) courses before taking an exam. Additional exam preparation is highly recommended.


Web Programming Pathway
Entry-level certifications in web development. Students must complete CTE-Web Design and CTE-Web Programming courses before taking an exam. Additional exam preparation is recommended.


All Career Tech Pathways
Foundational knowledge of information technology is demonstrated. Students must complete the CTE-Information Technology course before taking the exam.