Schoolwide Parent Information
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TRECA Digital Academy

Schoolwide Parent/Guardian Information

TRECA is aware that parents/guardians are the key to student success and have involved research-based practices in our process to ensure parents/guardians have the tools to support successful students. We provide teachers and staff with intensive training in the areas of strength-based family support, provided by Dr. Steve Gavazzi from The Ohio State University, and understanding poverty, provided by Aha Processes (Ruby Payne). Our parents/guardians are surveyed regarding likes, dislikes, and needs several times a year. Our team compiles information, which impacts our planning and drives our choices for parent/guardian engagement activities. The following TRECA parent/guardian information is provided to help our parents/guardians better support their child’s educational success.

For additional information, please contact Mrs. Staton at or 888-828-4798, ext: 2310.

TRECA, Student, and Parent/Guardian Pledge

TRECA Digital Academy and the parents/guardians of its students agree that the document below outlines how the parents/guardians, the entire school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents/guardians will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the State of Ohio’s high standards.

TRECA, Student, and Parent/Guardian Pledge

TRECA, Student, and Parent/Guardian Pledge - Arabic

TRECA, Student, and Parent/Guardian Pledge - Somali

TRECA, Student, and Parent/Guardian Pledge - Spanish

Parent & Family Engagement Policy

The Board values the involvement of each parent in support of their child’s education. Furthermore, the board of trustees acknowledges its responsibility to provide open communications with parents/guardians regarding not only their child’s achievement and academic and social needs, but opportunities for parents to participate in other aspects of the operation of the school.

Parents/guardians are considered full partners in their child’s education and will be included in the decision-making process as it relates to their child and the school as a whole. The board of trustees will support the development of parental/guardian involvement programs that increase the capacity and opportunities for parents/guardians to be meaningfully involved in the teaching and learning enterprise.

This policy is supplemented by other Board adopted documents such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and the parent/guardian handbook.

Parent & Family Engagement Policy

Parent & Family Engagement Policy - Arabic

Parent & Family Engagement Policy - Somali

Parent & Family Engagement Policy - Spanish

Parents Right to Know

Parents and/or guardians have the right to know about the teaching qualifications of their child’s classroom teacher in a school receiving Title I funds. The federal Every Student Succeeds Act requires that any local school district receiving Title I funds must notify parents/guardians that they may ask about the professional qualifications of their child’s classroom teacher. Please use the following form to request information about your child's teacher.

Title 1 Parents Right to Know

Title 1 Parents Right to Know - Arabic

Title 1 Parents Right to Know - Somali

Title 1 Parents Right to Know - Spanish

Bullying Incidents

As required by O.R.C. 3313.666(B)(11) TRECA Digital Academy indicates that there were no reported incidents of bullying in the 2023-2024 school year.

Additional Resources

Title 1 Part A Description

Title I Student/Family Income Information Form

McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act

Parents Guide to Homelessness

Homeless Student Policy

Homeless Education Dispute Resolution Policy

2023-2024 Annual Report

Continuity of Services Plan

Missing Children Information & Resources

2022-2023 Sponsor Annual Report

Religious Expression Days Policy

Special Education Procedure