Casey Fuchs
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Casey Fuchs

7-12 Teaching Staff

Señora Fuchs (pronounced FOX) is the Spanish Teacher at TRECA. Teaching has always been her dream job and Spanish is pretty awesome to know and understand! She loves to travel and spent a year living in Spain experiencing the culture and language first hand. She is married with two daughters that keep her busy. Her family enjoys being outside, playing board games, and visiting friends and family. Scrapbooking, reading, and watching her favorite TV shows are some things she likes to do when she has free time.

Fun facts about Señora Fuchs:

  • Favorite subject: Spanish (Of course!)
  • First job: If you don't count babysitting, weekend receptionist at an HER Realtor's office.
  • Favorite quote: "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."