Steven Nemeth
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Steven Nemeth

Attendance Officer

Mr. Nemeth is married and has two wonderful girls. As a family, they enjoy all sports, whether playing or watching. When not watching a sporting event, you can find him coaching a sport. Mr. Nemeth has been working at TRECA since 2009. It's a fact: Students who attend school regularly learn more and are more successful in school than students who do not. Parents who make regular school attendance a priority also are helping their children learn to accept responsibility, and that’s an important lesson for a successful life. 

Fun facts about Mr. Nemeth:

  • Favorite subject: Physical education
  • Favorite quote: "What two things can you always control? Attitude and Effort"
  • Now playing: Sports Talk Radio
  • Favorite book: Sum It Up by Pat Summit
  • Favorite sport: Chicago Cubs Baseball
  • First job: Caledonia Gun Club (setting clay pigeons onto a clay pigeon thrower) 
  • Proudest accomplishment: Earning my college degree (only college graduate in the family)