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TRECA Digital Academy

Student Handbook | 2024-2025

General Policies

Enrollment Policy

TRECA Digital Academy (TDA) is a virtual school designed to serve at-risk students residing in Ohio who are not learning effectively in more traditional educational environments. Because TDA is a virtual school that uses an online educational program, it is essential for students to be able to learn independently in their own homes, with the support of adult learning partners.

TDA serves students who are at risk of dropping out of or failing to learn effectively in their current educational settings (or such other educational settings as are available to them in their respective public school districts) and who have a desire for, and whose education can be optimized by, a program of online instruction in an independent environment that does not include most ancillary components of a more traditional education.  

The categories of students who fall within TDA’s definition of “at risk” and who are, therefore, eligible to enroll are limited to the following:

  • Students who are performing at or above grade level but who seek a more challenging curriculum and, in particular, who wish to capitalize upon the enrichment potential of individually-paced and independently-completed online instruction
  • Students who are performing below grade level and who wish to focus their education exclusively on an independent online course of study, starting at the student’s current skill and knowledge level and building forward at a pace determined by the student in collaboration with online instructors
  • Students who have been removed from school for disciplinary reasons but who are committed to and capable of regaining their focus on academic pursuits in the independent and solitary context of online instruction delivered in their homes
  • Students who are already successfully learning at home but whose home-schooling is insufficiently comprehensive and requires the kind of augmentation offered by TDA’s formal and standards-based online curriculum
  • Students who are transient and seek the stability of a portable online educational program that is not linked to, and does not utilize, any particular physical school facility

Additionally, a student’s enrollment and successful participation in the school are predicated upon the following:

  • The student and the student’s parent/guardian must provide within the home, at all times during which the student is engaged in TDA’s program of study, adult supervision of such a nature as to ensure the student’s safe and responsible participation in the program.
  • Occasionally, required virtual or face-to-face meetings with teachers or other staff may become necessary. For face-to-face meetings, unless otherwise agreed by TDA or required by law, the meetings will take place at TDA’s central office in Marion, Ohio or one of the other TDA regional offices.


The GATOR Way is a set of positive behavior expectations that students should use to have a successful school year.

When TRECA staff notice students exhibiting the positive behaviors in The GATOR Way, they can acknowledge the positive behaviors with GATOR Gold. Students can redeem their GATOR Gold for rewards in the TRECA Treasures reward store. Students and families can learn more about The GATOR Way by visiting the TRECA Main Office in Brightspace.

Student Attendance, Participation, and Progress

TRECA Digital Academy offers a minimum of 920 hours of instruction for the academic year in compliance with the Ohio Revised Code. All students are required to log in to Brightspace and complete schoolwork every scheduled school calendar day in order to be counted present. Students have access to learning opportunities 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Students should complete 5 hours and 10 minutes of schoolwork each day. Students must have a total of 26 hours of logged learning opportunities each school week. If the student does not complete 5 hours and 10 minutes of schoolwork on a scheduled workday, the time not completed must be made up during the school week so that the student has an overall accumulated time of 26 hours for the school week. For example, the student completes 4 hours on Monday. On Tuesday, the student must complete 5 hours and 10 minutes plus the remaining 1 hour and 10 minutes from Monday for a total of 6 hours and 20 minutes for the day. To assist student progress, TDA’s teachers make themselves available a minimum of 35 hours per week for instruction, online support, and conference time with students.

Regular attendance by all students is very important. Students who work in their classes at least 26 hours per week are most likely to attain their educational goals at a pace comparable to traditional school schedules. Logins will be monitored each day. If a student fails to log in, families will receive an automated phone call informing them that their student failed to log in to Brightspace the previous day. If the absence qualifies for an excused absence, please contact the TDA attendance officer to discuss the student’s failure to log in. Remember, absences may be excused for various reasons, including, but not limited to, technical issues, personal illness, illness or death within the family, quarantine for contagious disease, and religious reasons. Religious absences are limited to 3 days per year and procedures regarding their use can be found in our Religious Expression Days Policy. For information regarding absences, please visit the Excessive Absences section of the handbook.

Participation in the online environment may include reading and responding to student emails in a timely manner, reaching out to teachers with questions, attending scheduled video meetings with teachers or advisors, answering phone calls from TRECA, and keeping up to date with all correspondence from the school.

TRECA operates on an asynchronous learning model. Middle and upper-grade level students may be learning in different parts of the same course. In order to successfully earn credits, students must submit graded assignments each school day. Elementary students are expected to meet with their teacher and maintain weekly assignments. *It is important to note that in order to remain in good academic standing, students must attend each school day, participate in learning activities, and complete assignments daily.

Live Sessions
Students in grades K-3 are required to attend live sessions with their teachers. Students in grades 4-12 attend live sessions when needed or requested by either the student or staff member. When attending live sessions, students should be appropriately and fully clothed, use school-appropriate language, and not display or share inappropriate or distracting sounds and/or images.

Grading Scale

Letter GradePercent
F59% and below

Credit Flexibility

Credit flexibility is a method to motivate and increase student learning by allowing access to more resources, customizing around individual student needs, and using multiple measures of learning. Credit flexibility shifts the focus from “seat time” to performance. Students can earn units of high school credit based on an individually approved credit flexibility plan. The intent of credit flexibility is to meet increased expectations for high school graduation in response to globalization, technology, and demographics, and to meet the demand for 21st century skills. (Ohio Senate Bill 311)

The TRECA Digital Academy credit flexibility plan enables students to earn high school credit by:

  • Completing coursework
  • Testing out or showing mastery of course content
  • Pursuing an educational option and/or an individually approved option
  • Any combination of the above

Contact your school counselor if you are interested in pursuing a credit flexibility option or visit our Credit Flex page for more information.

Career Advising Policy

This policy on career advising is reviewed at least once every two years and made available to students, parents, guardians and custodians, and local post-secondary institutions. The policy is posted in a prominent location on the district’s website.

The district’s plan for career advising provides:

Grade-level examples that link students’ schoolwork to one or more career fields by initially implementing the Career Connections Learning Strategies offered by the Ohio Department of Education. These will be expanded as capacity grows to allow for ongoing and consistent lineages to careers within the classroom.

Career advising to students in grades 6-12, which includes meeting with each student at least once annually to discuss academic and career pathway opportunities. Career connection learning opportunities will be embedded in learning opportunities across the curriculum.

Additional interventions and career advising for students who are identified as at risk of dropping out of school. This includes developing a Student Success Plan for each at-risk student that addresses both the student’s academic and career pathway to successful graduation and the role of career-technical education, competency-based education and experiential learning, when appropriate. Before a district develops a pupil’s Student Success Plan, district staff will invite the student’s parent, guardian or custodian to assist. If that adult does not participate in the plan development, the district will provide the adult a copy of the plan, a statement of the importance of a high school diploma, and a listing of the pathways to graduation available to the student.

Training for employees on how to advise students on career pathways, including training on advising students using the tools available in OhioMeansJobs K-12. This also includes training on other online tools provided by the district that offer resources for discovering career interests, exploring and researching career and education options, and supporting the development of a Student Success Plan.

Multiple academic and career pathways through high school that students may choose to earn a high school diploma, including opportunities to earn industry-recognized credentials and postsecondary course credit.

Information on courses that can award students credit through credit flex, both traditional academic and career-technical credit, and/or Collect Credit Plus, will be provided to students.

Documentation on career advising for each student and student’s parent, guardian, or custodian to review, as well as schools that the student may attend in the future. These include activities that support the student’s academic, career, and social-emotional development, such as Student Success Plans or graduation plans.

The supports necessary for students to transition successfully from high school to their postsecondary destinations, including interventions and services necessary for students who need remediation in mathematics and English language arts.

College Credit Plus

Each year qualified students in grades 7-12 across Ohio are eligible to participate in College Credit Plus. College Credit Plus (CCP) is a state program that allows high school students to take college classes at the Ohio college or university of their choice. These classes count for both high school credit and college credit. The program is intended to provide expanded opportunities for appropriately qualified students to experience course work at the college or university level. Any student admitted to a course by an institution of higher education will be expected to perform at the same level as the institution’s regular students. College courses should either contribute to or supplement the broad academic preparation needed by students. TRECA Digital Academy fully supports eligible students who wish to participate in the CCP program and follows state requirements in compliance with ORC 3365.04.

There are two options available to students that wish to participate in the CCP program:

  • Option A: Permits eligible students to enroll in college courses for college credit only. Students electing this option will be responsible to pay all costs incurred, including tuition, books, materials and fees. High school credit is optional.
  • Option B: Permits eligible students to enroll in college courses for college AND high school graduation credit. Students electing this option will not be required to pay for tuition or books. The window for notifying schools of your intent to participate in Option B is April 1st of the year preceding the year of participation.

While some colleges operate on a semester basis, others operate on a trimester or quarter system (less time in class converts to fewer units of credit). College or university course hours will be converted to Carnegie units, used in Ohio’s high schools, in a prescribed fashion as outlined:

Semester Hours Carnegie Units
5 1 credit
4 1 credit
3 1 credit
2 .67 credit
1 .34 credit

Examples of TRECA partnerships with Ohio Colleges and Universities to provide College Credit Plus include (but are not limited to):

  • Bowling Green State University
  • Cincinnati State
  • Clark State Community College
  • Columbus State Community College
  • Cuyahoga Community College
  • Kent State
  • Lakeland Community College
  • Marion Technical College
  • North Central State College
  • Ohio Christian University
  • Ohio State University
  • Owens Community College
  • Sinclair College
  • Sinclair Community College
  • Stark State
  • Urbana University

Please contact your school counselor if you are interested in the College Credit Plus program. To watch our most recent video with more information about the program, please visit

Rights Under FERPA

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students who are 18 years of age or older ("eligible students") certain rights with respect to the student's education records. These rights are:

The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days after the day TRECA Digital Academy (“TDA”) receives a request for access. Parents or eligible students who wish to inspect their child’s or their education records should submit to the Director a written request that identifies the records they wish to inspect. The school official will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.

The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. Parents or eligible students who wish to ask TDA to amend education records should write to the Director. The written request must clearly identify the part of the record they want changed and specify why it should be changed. If TDA decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, TDA will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing.

The right to provide written consent before TDA discloses personally identifiable information (PII) from the student's education records, unless disclosure is otherwise authorized by law or unless disclosure is made to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the school as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the school board; a person or company with whom the school has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing their tasks. A school official typically has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill their professional responsibility.

Upon request, TDA discloses education records without consent to officials of another school or school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll, or is already enrolled if the disclosure is for purposes of the student’s enrollment or transfer.Upon request, TDA discloses education records without consent to officials of another school or school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll, or is already enrolled if the disclosure is for purposes of the student’s enrollment or transfer.

The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the School to comply with the requirements of FERPA. Office that administers FERPA: Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, DC 2020


Academic / School Calendar

Our school observes several holidays and a summer season. During the holiday closures, staff does not work and all regional offices are closed. Students are welcome to continue progress on their schoolwork, but staff will not be available for tutoring, support, or other similar functions. During the summer season, certain staff members remain active, but many personnel are 'off.' These various factors dictate our school (or "academic") calendar. This is not to be confused with our student calendar, which is explained below.

Student Calendar

Students at TRECA Digital Academy all have the same 180-day student calendar. Calendar days are days students are required to log into school and complete in accordance with the Student Attendance, Participation, and Progress section of this handbook. The calendar for the 2024-2025 school year is available here.

Graduation Requirements & State Mandated Testing

Graduation Requirements

All students wishing to graduate from TRECA Digital Academy must meet the following requirements:

  • Meet all state-mandated testing requirements.
  • Successfully earn 20 total high school credits according to the tables below.
  • Carry at least five (5) classes at all times during each semester.

Not graduating from high school can have many consequences including a reduced eligibility to enroll in state universities.

Students Entering 9th Grade PRIOR to July 1, 2017

In accordance with the Ohio CORE Graduation Requirements (SB 311 adopted 1/3/07), all students entering the 9th grade prior to July 1, 2017 will need to complete the minimum credit requirements as spelled out below:

SubjectCredits Required
4 credits of comprehensive English
4 credits including:
1 credit Algebra 2
Science3 credits including:
1 credit Biological Sciences
1 credit Physical Sciences
1 credit Advanced Sciences
Social Studies3 credits including:
0.5 credit American History
0.5 credit U.S. Government
2 credits Elective
Financial Literacy0.5 credit
Health 0.5 credit
Physical Education0.5 credit
Required Electives1 credit - Must be one of the following: Foreign Language, Fine Arts, or Technology
Additional Electives3.5 credits
Total Credits:20 credits

Students Entering 9th Grade AFTER July 1, 2017

SubjectCredits Required
English 4 credits of comprehensive English
Math 4 credits including:
1 credit Algebra 2
Science3 credits including:
1 credit Biological Sciences
1 credit Physical Sciences
1 credit Advanced Sciences
Social Studies3 credits including:
0.5 credit World History
0.5 credit American History
0.5 credit U.S. Government
1.5 credits Elective
Financial Literacy0.5 credit
Health0.5 credit
Physical Education0.5 credit
Required Electives1 credit - Must be one of the following: Foreign Language, Fine Arts, or Technology
Additional Electives3.5 credits
Total Credits:20 credits

Students Entering 9th Grade AFTER July 1, 2019

SubjectCredits Required
English4 credits of comprehensive English
Math4 credits including: 1 credit Algebra 2
Science3 credits including: 1 credit Biological Sciences 1 credit Physical Sciences 1 credit Advanced Sciences
Social Studies3 credits including: 0.5 credit World History 0.5 credit American History 0.5 credit U.S. Government 1.5 credits Elective
Financial Literacy0.5 credit
Health0.5 credit
Physical Education0.5 credit
Required Electives1 credit - Must be one of the following: Foreign Language, Fine Arts, or Technology
Additional Electives3.5 credits
Total Credits:20 credits

Suggested College Preparatory Curriculum

TDA recommends the following curriculum for students interested in attending college after high school:

SubjectCredits Required
English4 credits of comprehensive English
Math4 credits including:
1 credit Algebra 1
1 credit Algebra 2
1 credit Geometry
1 credit Pre-Calculus
Science3 credits including:
1 credit Biology
1 credit Chemistry or Physics or Zoology
Social Studies3 credits including:
0.5 credit American History
0.5 credit U.S. Government
2 credits Elective
Financial Literacy0.5 credit
Health0.5 credit
Physical Education0.5 credit
Foreign Language2 credits of the same foreign language
Fine Arts1 credit (any art or music course)
Additional Electives1.5 credits
Total Credits:20 credits

Grade Level Placement

High school grade levels are determined by credits earned. Graduation requires 20 credits. Students may move through more than one grade level in a year, depending upon the rate at which they successfully complete course work.

Credits EarnedGrade Level
0 - 4.99 creditsFreshman
5 - 9.99 creditsSophomore
10 - 14.99 creditsJunior
15 or more creditsSenior

These requirements meet the State of Ohio Minimum Graduation requirements revised 9/29/15: HBO 64.

Required Testing

TRECA Digital Academy and its affiliated partners follow all state testing guidelines. Students must take all Ohio state mandated tests to remain in an electronic school in Ohio. Failure to take any part of the state mandated tests for two consecutive years puts the student on a state controlled list removing the student from all electronic learning based schools in Ohio. TRECA Digital Academy must remove all students who do not take all parts of the state mandated tests in consecutive years.

Per Ohio Revised Code 3314.26: Internet- and computer-based community schools must provide a testing site within a radius of 50 miles of each student's residence at which the student may complete the statewide achievement tests and diagnostic assessments prescribed by law (RC 3314.25). Any student in an internet- or computer-based community school who, without a lawful excuse, fails to take the prescribed achievement or graduation tests applicable to their grade level for two consecutive years must be withdrawn (dismissed) from the school, and the school may no longer receive any state funding on account of such student. Such a student may, however, continue to be enrolled in the school upon the payment of tuition (RC 3314.26).

Parents may contact their student’s school counselor to request information about state or district policies regarding student participation in assessments.

(Source: Carey, Kimball H. Bricker & Eckler LLP, Anderson's Ohio School Law Manual 2009 edition. LexisNexis Newark, NJ. April 15, 2011.)


2024-2025 Testing Dates


Kindergarten Readiness Assessment  
Who Takes Them: All new kindergarten students
Testing Dates: August 26 - September 16, 2024
Purpose of Assessment: The Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA) is a tool that teachers will use to get to know your child and their readiness for Kindergarten skills. It is not designed to rank children by ability, nor is it a tool for identifying students with disabilities or gifted students.
Source of Requirement: State of Ohio
Amount of Time Given to Test: The amount of time it will take to administer, score, and input assessment item data will vary from teacher-to-teacher and class-to-class.
Availability of Test Results: The teacher will discuss the results with families within a few weeks of completing the KRA.


Dyslexia Screener  
Who Takes Them: All students in grades K-3, plus students grades 4-6 transferring into the district this school year. 
Testing Dates: TBA
Purpose of Assessment:

School districts in Ohio are required to administer a dyslexia screener to all students in grades K-3, and as requested by a parent or teacher in grades 4-6, per Ohio’s Dyslexia Support Laws, ORC 3323.251.  You can find more information about Dyslexia and resources for families at the following website. Dyslexia Resource Guide for Ohio Families

Source of the Requirement: State of Ohio
Amount of Time Given to Test: The amount of time it will take to administer, score, and input assessment item data will vary from student to student.
Availability of Test Results: Parents will be notified of results within 30 days. 


K-3 Diagnostic Assessments  
Who Takes Them: All students grades K-3
Testing Dates:

August 26, 2024 (This assessment is given twice each school year)

Subjects Tested: Reading and Math
Purpose of Assessment and Source of the Requirement: Ohio Senate Bill 316, signed into law in June 2012, includes a Third Grade Reading Guarantee that affects all kindergarten, first grade, second grade, and third grade students. The law includes requirements for school districts and community schools to ensure greater emphasis is placed on reading instruction and intervention in grades K-3.
Amount of Time Given to Test: Each test administered takes 55-65 minutes.
Availability of Test Results: The results of these diagnostics are available immediately after completing them, but they must be reviewed by the classroom teacher before they are shared. Parents can request the report at any time.


Grade 3 ELA Test  
Who Takes Them: All students grade 3
Testing Dates:

In addition to the Spring Administration window, 3rd grade students will test:
Fall Administration: October 28 - November 1, 2024

Subjects Tested: English Language Arts
Purpose of Assessment: State achievement tests tell us how well our students are growing in the knowledge and skills outlined in Ohio’s Learning Standards. These tests help guide and strengthen future teaching so we can be sure that we are preparing our students for long-term success in school, college, careers and life.
Source of the Requirement: State of Ohio
Amount of Time Given to Test:
Availability of Test Results: Results are available within a few months of administration from ODE. Results are sent to the school district. Districts can then make the results available to families.


4-8 Diagnostic Assessments  
Who Takes Them: All returning students grades 4-8
Testing Dates: This assessment is given twice each school year. At Returning Student Events at the beginning of the school year or at enrollment; and again in the Spring.
Subjects Tested: Reading and Math
Purpose of Assessment: State achievement tests tell us how well our students are growing in the knowledge and skills outlined in Ohio’s Learning Standards. These tests help guide and strengthen future teaching so we can be sure that we are preparing our students for long-term success in school, college, careers and life.
Source of the Requirement: State of Ohio
Amount of Time Given to Test: Each test administered takes 55-65 minutes.
Availability of Test Results: Results are available from the student's teacher within one week of testing.


Ohio's State Test (AIR Testing)  
Who Takes Them: All students grades 3-12
Testing Dates: March 31 - April 17, 2025
Students will be asked to attend one day per subject within this timeframe. Students will need to attend testing multiple days within this testing window, based on tests needed by the student.
Subjects Tested:

English Language Arts - Grades 3-8
Math - Grades 3-8
Science - Grades 5 & 8
Reading - Grade 3
Various identified subjects - Grades 9-12

Purpose of Assessment: State achievement tests tell us how well our students are growing in the knowledge and skills outlined in Ohio’s Learning Standards. These tests help guide and strengthen future teaching so we can be sure that we are preparing our students for long-term success in school, college, careers and life.
Source of the Requirement: State of Ohio
Amount of Time Given to Test:
Availability of Test Results: Results are shared with families once they are received by the school, usually within 3 months of the test.


Ohio's High School State Test (End of Course Exams)  
Who Takes Them: Students enrolled in courses corresponding to testing being administered
Testing Dates:

Fall Administration: December 2-20, 2024
Spring Administration: March 31 - April 17, 2025
Summer Administration: TBD

Subjects Tested*:
*Tests required are based on the year students began 9th grade. As such, what is required can be different for each student. Please contact your school counselor for details.
English Language Arts I and II
Algebra I
Geometry (or integrated Mathematics I and II)
Physical Science (class of 2018 only)
American History
American Government
Purpose of Assessment: State achievement tests tell us how well our students are growing in the knowledge and skills outlined in Ohio’s Learning Standards. These tests help guide and strengthen future teaching so we can be sure that we are preparing our students for long-term success in school, college, careers and life. EOC scores are part of the graduation requirements for all high school students.
Source of the Requirement: State of Ohio
Amount of Time Given to Test:
Availability of Test Results: Results are shared with families once they are received by the school, usually within 3 months of the test.


9-12 Diagnostic Assessments  
Who Takes Them: All students grades 9-12
Testing Dates:

Returning Students: At Returning Student Events at the beginning of the school year and then 14 weeks after first administration.

New Students: At Enrollment and then 14 weeks after first administration.

Subjects Tested: Reading and Math
Purpose of Assessment: State achievement tests tell us how well our students are growing in the knowledge and skills outlined in Ohio’s Learning Standards. These tests help guide and strengthen future teaching so we can be sure that we are preparing our students for long-term success in school, college, careers and life.
Source of the Requirement: State of Ohio
Amount of Time Given to Test: Each test administered takes 55-65 minutes.
Availability of Test Results: Results are available from the student's teacher within one week of testing.


Alternate Assessment  
Who Takes Them: Eligible students in grades 3-12.
Testing Dates: February 24 - April 18, 2025
Subjects Tested: Reading
Social Studies
Purpose of the Assessment: State achievement tests tell us how well our students are growing in the knowledge and skills outlined in Ohio’s Learning Standards. These tests help guide and strengthen future teaching so we can be sure that we are preparing our students for long-term success in school, college, careers and life.
Source of the Requirement: State of Ohio
Amount of Time Given to Test: No time allotment
Availability of Test Results: Results are available within a few months of administration from ODE. Results are sent to the school district. Districts can then make the results available to families.


Who Takes Them: Students in Grades K-12 whose native language is not English
Testing Dates: February 3 - March 28, 2025
Subjects Tested: Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing
Purpose of the Assessment: The Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment (OELPA) is the state summative test used to determine an English learner’s proficiency level and to exit from the English language program.
Source of the Requirement: State of Ohio
Amount of Time Given to Test: One to two hours
Availability of Test Results: Results are available within a few months of administration from ODE. Results are sent to the school district. Districts can then make the results available to families.


ACT Test  
Who Takes Them: All students grade 11 that entered 9th grade after the 14-15 school year
Testing Dates: TBD
Subjects Tested: English
Language Arts
Social Studies
Purpose of the Assessment: The purpose of the ACT test is to measure a high school student's readiness for college, and provide colleges with one common data point that can be used to compare all applicants. Please review this information from ACT.
Source of the Requirement: State law requires districts and community schools to administer the state-funded ACT to all grade 11 students in the spring of the school year.
Amount of Time Given to Test:
Availability of Test Results: Multiple choice scores are normally available within two weeks after each national test date, but it can sometimes take up to eight weeks.


Vision Screenings  
Who Takes Them: Students in Kindergarten and Grades 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11
Testing Dates: At enrollment or once per school year
Purpose of the Assessment: To measure vision abilities of students, and determine if a referral for accommodations is needed
Source of the Requirement: Ohio Department
Amount of Time Given to Test: Approximately 20 minutes
Availability of Test Results: Immediately


Discipline Policies


Excessive Absences (Truancy)

H.B. 410, which took effect April 6, 2017, changed the truancy definition to be based on instructional hours, rather than days of instruction. Under this definition, the designation of “habitual truant” is defined as any student of compulsory school age who has been absent without legitimate excuse for:

  • 30 or more consecutive hours
  • 42 or more hours in a school month, or
  • 72 or more hours in a year

When a student meets the definition of habitual truant, TRECA Digital Academy administration will assign the student to an Absence Intervention Team (AIT). The team will make every effort to include the parent in the development of the Absence Intervention Plan. If the parent chooses not to participate, the team will proceed with development of the Absence Intervention Plan and will provide a copy to the parent. If the student fails to make satisfactory progress on the plan, TRECA Digital Academy will file a complaint in juvenile court on the 61st day after implementation of the Absence Intervention Plan. Excessive absences is defined as a child of compulsory school age who is absent with or without a legitimate excuse from the public school the child is supposed to attend for:

  • 38 or more hours in one school month
  • 65 or more hours in one school year

TRECA Digital Academy will provide written notice of excessive absences to parents. For more information, please refer to the Ohio Department of Education.

Automatic Withdrawal

The Ohio Revised Code requires community schools to adopt a procedure for automatically withdrawing a student from the school if the student, without legitimate excuse, fails to participate in seventy-two (72) cumulative hours of the learning opportunities offered to the student.

Any student who does not participate in a school activity for seventy-two (72) hours, approximately fourteen (14) consecutive school days, will be automatically withdrawn from TRECA Digital Academy. The student’s guardian will be notified by certified mail that such a withdrawal has happened. Notice of the withdrawal will also be sent to the residential school at that time, as well as to appropriate county, legal and social service agencies. The student and/or guardian must return all issued school equipment within one week of the withdrawal and immediately enroll the student in an accredited Ohio school.

Suspension & Expulsion

TRECA Digital Academy recognizes that exclusion from the educational program of any school, whether by suspension or expulsion, is the most severe sanction that can be imposed on a student and cannot be imposed without due process. Students in a digital classroom are not hampered by time and space. They do not have to be in a classroom at a specific time in order to complete their work. They can work during the times that are most convenient for them. However, TDA students must maintain progress in their academic endeavors and communicate regularly with their teachers. Although much of the school year will be spent in a digital environment, there will be occasions during which students will be in the presence of other students and staff members at school related activities. Our rules and regulations are necessary to assure a positive learning environment; they are in place to protect every student’s opportunity to learn. Whenever behavior interferes with the learning environment, consequences will result. Reasons for suspension and possible expulsion may include the following:

  • Misuse of or vandalizing school property
  • Disruption of school or school-related activities
  • Threatening or intimidating students or staff including cyber bullying and harassment
  • Displaying weapons or illegal substances in live sessions or virtual activities.  Images or graphic depictions of weapons or illegal substances are prohibited.
  • Possession of weapons or illegal substances at school-sponsored functions
  • Sexual harassment or solicitation
  • Use of TDA equipment for creating, storing, or transmitting sexually explicit or immoral materials
  • Removing or altering official school documents or records
  • Assault
  • Immoral acts, such as stealing or illegal use of drugs or alcohol.
  • Calling in bomb threats
  • Violation of the school Acceptable Computer and Internet Use Policy (AUP)
  • Providing the student’s login name and password to an unauthorized person
  • Plagiarism including the copying of other students’ work
  • Inappropriate use of email, including insubordination


Suspension: Temporary exclusion of a student from all school related activities, accompanied by disabling the student’s computer (duration of greater than 24 hours, but less than 10 days).

Expulsion: The withdrawal of a student from all school related activities, accompanied by disabling the student’s computer (duration of greater than 10 days).

Suspension Procedures

  • The student and the student’s parent/guardian will receive a suspension warning notification by U.S. mail and/or by phone stating the intent to issue a suspension, the reason for the intended suspension and the proposed days of the suspension.
  • The student or the student’s parent/guardian will have an opportunity to challenge the suspension by the date and time specified in their suspension notification.
  • Students who wish to challenge the suspension may do so by scheduling a conference call or an appointment with the Director.
  • Students who do not challenge the suspension will begin serving their suspension as indicated in their suspension notification. (The student and family will receive a second notification by U.S. mail and/or phone call.)
  • In the event that, in the opinion of the Superintendent of the school, a student’s presence at any school event presents a danger to other persons or property or seriously disrupts the functions of the school, the student may be removed from classes without formal suspension procedures.

Expulsion Procedures

  • In the event the school decides to expel a student, the student and the student’s parent/guardian will be notified by certified mail and by phone of the intent to expel.
  • A student and their parent/guardian will also be notified of their right to appear in person for a formal hearing to challenge the expulsion.
  • Notice of a request for a formal hearing must be received by the date specified in the intent to expel notification.
  • If requested, a formal hearing will be scheduled within five business days from the date of request. Parents will be notified of the time and place of the hearing and of the right to be represented at the expulsion hearing by a representative of their choosing.
  • The Superintendent or their designee shall select a three-member panel to hear the appeal.
  • If the panel recommends expulsion, the student may then request that the TDA Board of Education hear the appeal.
  • The hearing in front of the Board will be private, but the Board must act publicly on the outcome.
  • In the event that, in the opinion of the Superintendent of the school, a student’s presence at school presents a danger to other persons or property or seriously disrupts the functions of the school, the student may be removed from classes without formal expulsion proceedings.
  • A student may be expelled for one (1) year for bringing or possessing a firearm, knife, or other destructive device on school property or to any school-sponsored activity, event, or field trip at a school building or other public facility being used by school personnel for school activities.
  • A firearm is defined as any weapon, including a starter gun, which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile.
  • A destructive device includes, but is not limited to, any explosive, incendiary, or poison gas, bomb, or other similar device.
  • A knife is defined as any cutting instrument consisting of at least one sharp blade.
  • The specific circumstances under which the Superintendent may modify a one (1) year expulsion may include a recommendation from the Special Needs Coordinator that is knowledgeable of the student’s educational needs in accordance with the policy regarding suspension and expulsion of disabled students.

Permanent Exclusion of Non-Disabled Students

In accordance with the law, the Board of Education may seek to permanently exclude a student sixteen (16) years of age or older who has been convicted of or adjudicated for any of the following offenses:

  • Carrying a concealed weapon or conveying or possessing a deadly weapon or dangerous ordinance on property owned or controlled by the school or at an activity held under the auspices of this Board.
  • Possessing, selling or offering to sell controlled substances on property owned or controlled by the school or at an activity under the auspices of this Board, including online, via school equipment.
  • Complicity to commit any of the above offenses, regardless of where the complicity occurred.

In accordance with the law, when any student sixteen (16) years of age or older, has been convicted of or adjudicated delinquent resulting from any of the above offenses, the Superintendent shall submit a written recommendation to the Board that the student should be permanently excluded from the school. The recommendation is to be accompanied by the evidence, other information required by statute, and the name and position of the person who should present the school’s case. The Board, after considering all the evidence, including the hearing of witnesses, shall take action within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the Superintendent’s recommendation.

If the Board adopts the resolution, the Superintendent shall submit it to the State, together with the required documents and the name of the person designated by the Board as its representative to present the case to the State. A copy of the resolution shall be sent to both the student and their parents/guardians. If the State rejects the Board’s request, the school shall re-admit the student in accordance with the statutes and Board guidelines.

Suspension/Expulsion of Disabled Students

In matters relating to the discipline of disabled students, the Board shall abide by Federal and State laws regarding suspension and expulsion. The Director will follow the administrative guidelines below and ensure they are properly used when disciplining any student with a disability.

Suspension/Expulsion: The school will not long-term suspend or expel a disabled student from the school for behavior that is a manifestation of their disability.

Continuation of Services: The school will continue to provide services for children with disabilities who are suspended or expelled from the school, except that the school is not required to provide services during the first ten (10) days in a school year that the student is removed. During any subsequent removal that is for fewer than ten (10) school days, the school will provide services to the extent determined necessary to enable the student to appropriately progress in the general curriculum and appropriately advance toward achieving the goals of their IEP. If the removal is for ten (10) school days or fewer, school personnel and the student’s special education teacher will make the service determination.

Behavioral Assessment and Behavioral Interventions: Meetings of a student’s IEP team to develop a Behavioral Assessment Plan or to review their Behavioral Intervention Plan (if the student has one) will be required when the student has first been removed for more than five (5) school days in a school year.

Change of Placement, Manifestation Determinations: A change of placement will occur if a student is removed for more than ten (10) consecutive school days or is subjected to a series of removals that constitute a pattern because they accumulate to more than ten (10) school days in a school year. Manifestation determinations will be required only if the school is implementing a removal that constitutes a change of placement. The school will follow the Federal guidelines for determining whether the behavior is a manifestation of the student’s disability.

TRECA Digital Academy Restraint and Seclusion Procedures

TRECA Digital Academy believes the school environment should be one that ensures the care, safety, and welfare of all students and staff members. Efforts to promote positive interactions and solutions to potential crises will be used. If a student’s behavior presents a threat of immediate harm to the student or others, the use of approved physical restraint or seclusion to maintain a safe environment may be used as a last resort. All restraint and seclusion shall only be done in accordance with Board Policy, which is based on the standards adopted by the State Board of Education regarding the use of student restraint and seclusion.

TRECA Digital Academy Restraint and Seclusion Complaint Procedure

To file a complaint in regards to the restraint or seclusion of your child, the parent must submit a written complaint to the Executive Director of TRECA Digital Academy, Mr. Adam Clark. The Executive Director will investigate and respond in writing to the complaint within 30 days of the date that the complaint was filed. A good faith effort will be made to hold a face-to-face or virtual meeting with the Executive Director, parent, and any applicable TRECA staff member that the Executive Director deems necessary to attend. After this process has been completed, if the parent has concerns that cannot be resolved by the district, the parent can contact local law enforcement, their county Department of Job and Family Services, or the Ohio Department of Education at (877) 644-6368/

TRECA Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports and Restraint and Seclusion Policy

Acceptable Computer & Internet Use Policy

TRECA (Tri-Rivers Educational Computer Association) Digital Academy (TDA) is pleased to make available to students access to interconnected computer systems within the Academy and to the Internet, the world-wide network that provides various means of accessing significant educational materials and opportunities.

All students must take responsibility for appropriate and lawful use of this access. Students must understand that their misuse of the network and Internet access may jeopardize their ability to enjoy such access. While TDA’s teachers and other staff will make reasonable efforts to supervise student use of network and Internet access, they must have student and parent cooperation in exercising and promoting responsible use of this access.

TDA provides each student with the tools and equipment necessary for participation in TDA. The equipment shall not be abused, misused, or disassembled. Parents and students hereby accept responsibility for damages resulting from abuse, misuse, or disassembly, and agree to abide by appropriate disciplinary actions. Students, who transfer to another school, withdraw, graduate, are expelled, or leave TDA for any reason, must return all tools and equipment provided by TDA in working order and in original or equivalent packing materials to TDA (107 N. Main St., Suite 100, Marion, OH 44302). Damaged or stolen equipment must be reported to TDA immediately.

Each student must sign and return TRECA's Acceptable Computer and Internet Use Policy. If a student is under 18 years of age, they must have their parents or guardians read and sign the Policy. TDA cannot serve any student who, if 18 or older, fails to sign and submit the Policy to TDA as directed or, if under 18, does not return the Policy as directed with the signatures of the student and their parents or guardians.

Listed below are the provisions of the policy agreement regarding computer, network and Internet use. If you have any questions about these provisions, you should contact the TDA administration. If any user violates the Policy, the student’s access will be disabled or revoked, and they may be subject to additional disciplinary action.

Personal Responsibility

By signing the Policy, you are agreeing not only to follow the rules in the Policy, but are agreeing to report any misuse of the network to the TDA administration. Misuse means any violations of the Policy or any other use that is not included in the Policy, but has the effect of harming another or their property.

Terms of the Permitted Use

A student who submits to TDA, as directed, a properly signed Policy and follows the Policy to which they have agreed will have computer network and Internet access. Students will be asked to sign a new Policy each year during which they are students in TDA.

Acceptable Uses

  1. Responsible Use. The purpose of the agreement is to ensure that use of Internet resources remains consistent with our stated mission, goals and objectives. The computer and Internet resources must be used in a responsible, safe, ethical, and legal manner. Parents are asked to play an active role in their child’s educational experiences, both on and off the computer.
  2. Unacceptable Uses of Network. Among the uses that are considered unacceptable and which constitute a violation of the Policy are the following:
    1. Uses that violate the law or encourage others to violate the law. Do not transmit offensive, harassing, or bullying messages; offer for sale or use any substance the possession or use of which is prohibited by the School District’s Student Discipline Policy; view, transmit, or download pornographic materials or material that encourage others to violate the law; intrude into the networks or computers of others; transmit any form of illegal solicitation; and download or transmit confidential, trade secret information, or copyrighted materials. Even if materials on the networks are not marked with the copyright symbol, you should assume that all materials are protected unless there is explicit permission on the materials to use them.
    2. Uses that cause harm to others or damage to their property. For example, do not engage in defamation (harming another’s reputation by lies); employ another’s password or some other user identifier that misleads message recipients into believing that someone other than you is communicating or otherwise using their access to the network or the Internet; upload a worm, virus, “trojan horse,” “time bomb,” or other harmful form of programming or vandalism; participate in “hacking’ activities or any form of unauthorized access to other computers, networks or information systems.
    3. Uses that jeopardize the security of student access and of the computer network or other networks on the Internet. For example, do not disclose or share your password with others; do not impersonate another user.
    4. Uses that are commercial transactions. Students and other users may not sell or buy anything over the Internet. You should not give others private information about you or others, including credit card numbers and social security numbers.
  3. Netiquette. All users must abide by rules of network etiquette, which include the following:
    1. Be polite. Use appropriate language. No swearing, vulgarities, suggestive, obscene, belligerent, or threatening language.
    2. Avoid language and uses which may be offensive to other users. Do not use access to make, distribute, or redistribute jokes, stories, or other material which is based upon slurs or stereotypes relating to race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion, or sexual orientation.
    3. Do not assume that a sender of email is giving their permission for you to forward or redistribute the message or attachment to third parties or to give their email address to third parties. This should only be done with permission or when you know that the individual would have no objection.
    4. Be considerate when sending attachments with email (where this is permitted). Be sure that the file is appropriate for the recipient and not too large to be accommodated by the recipient’s system and is in a format which the recipient can open.

Cell Phone Use Policy

To ensure full engagement in school activities, TRECA Digital Academy limits cell phone use during mandatory assessments, events, and activities. Students are prohibited from using personal cell phones during these times unless specifically permitted by staff. Exceptions include use for documented health concerns or as outlined in an IEP or 504 plan.
Students must store cell phones securely, such as in a backpack, when use is prohibited. Violations will result in disciplinary actions ranging from verbal warnings to parent/guardian conferences

Internet Safety

General Warning; Individual Responsibility of Parents and Users. All users and their parents/guardians are advised that access to the electronic network may include the potential for access to materials inappropriate for school-aged pupils. Every user must take responsibility for their use of the computer network and Internet and stay away from these sites. Parents of minors are the best guide to identify materials to avoid.

Personal Safety. In using the computer network and Internet, do not reveal personal information such as your home address or telephone number. Do not use your real last name or any other information which might allow a person to locate you without first obtaining the permission of a supervising teacher. Do not arrange a face-to-face meeting with someone you “meet” on the computer network or Internet without your parent’s permission (if you are under 18). Regardless of your age, you should never agree to meet a person you have only communicated with on the Internet in a secluded place or in a private setting.

"Hacking" and Other Illegal Activities. It is a violation of this Policy to use the TDA’s computer network or the Internet to gain unauthorized access to other computers or computer systems, or to attempt to gain such unauthorized access. Any use which violates state or federal law relating to copyright, trade secrets, the distribution of obscene or pornographic materials, or which violates any other applicable law or municipal ordinance, is strictly prohibited.

Confidentiality of Student Information. Personally identifiable information concerning students may not be disclosed or used in any way on the Internet without the permission of a parent or guardian or, if the student is 18 or over, the permission of the student himself/herself. Users should never give out private or confidential information about themselves or others on the Internet, particularly credit card numbers and Social Security numbers. A supervising teacher or administrator may authorize the release of directory information, as defined by Ohio law, for internal administrative purposes or approved educational projects and activities.

Active Restriction Measures. TDA, either by itself or in combination with TRECA, will utilize filtering software or other technologies to help prevent students from accessing visual depictions that are (1) obscene, (2) contain child pornography, or (3) are harmful to minors. Internet filtering software or other technology-based protection systems may be disabled by a supervising teacher or school administrator, as necessary, for purposes of bona fide research or other educational projects being conducted by students age 17 and older.

The term “harmful to minors” is defined by the Communications Act of 1934 (47 USC Section 254 *h+*7+), as meaning any picture, image, graphic image file, or other visual depiction that, taken as a whole and with respect to minors, appeals to a prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion; depicts, describes or represents in a patently offensive way with respect to what is suitable for minors, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or a lewd exhibition of the genitals; taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value as to minors.


Network and Internet access is a tool for your education. TDA reserves the right to monitor, inspect, copy, review and store at any time and without prior notice any and all usage of the computer network and Internet access and any and all information transmitted or received in connection with such usage. All such information files shall be and remain the property of TDA and no user shall have any expectation of privacy regarding such materials.

Failure to Follow Policy

The user’s use of the computer network and Internet is a privilege, not a right. A user who violates the Policy, shall at a minimum, have their access to the computer network and Internet terminated, which the School District may refuse to reinstate for the remainder of the student’s enrollment in the School District. A user violates the Policy by their own action or by failing to report any violations by other users that come to the attention of the user. Further, a user violates the Policy if they permit another to use their account or password to access the computer network and Internet, including any user whose access has been denied or terminated. TDA may also take other disciplinary action in such circumstances.


TDA makes no warranties of any kind, either express or implied, in connection with its provision of access to and use of its computer networks and the Internet provided under the Policy. It shall not be responsible for any claims, losses, damages or costs (including attorney fees) of any kind suffered, directly or indirectly, by any user or their parent(s) or guardian(s) arising out of the user’s use of its computer networks or the Internet under the Policy. By signing the Policy, users are taking full responsibility for their use, and the user who is 18 or older or, in the case of a user under 18, the parent(s) or guardian(s) are agreeing to indemnify and hold TRECA harmless from any and all loss, costs, claims, or damages resulting from the user’s access to its computer network and the Internet, including but not limited to any fees or charges incurred through purchases of goods or services by the user. The user or, if the user is a minor, the user’s parent(s) or guardian(s) agree to cooperate with TDA in the event of the initiating of an investigation of a user’s use of their access to its computer network and the Internet, whether that use is on a TDA computer or on another computer outside the TDA network.


Users, and if appropriate, the user’s parents/guardians, may be asked from time to time to provide new or additional registration and account information or to sign a new Policy, for example, to reflect developments in the law or technology. Such information must be provided by the user (or their parents or guardian) or such new Policy must be signed if the user wishes to continue to receive service, and TDA must be notified of such changes.

Student Well Being

Anti-Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying Policy

A safe and civil environment is necessary for students to learn and achieve high academic standards. Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying are strictly prohibited, and students who are determined to have engaged in such behavior are subject to disciplinary action, which may include suspension or expulsion. This policy details the School’s prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (including Cyber-Bullying).


  1. “Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying” means
    1. An intentional written, verbal, graphic, electronic, or physical act that a student or group of students has exhibited toward another student or school personnel (including volunteers or others serving the school), more than once, and the behavior:
      1. Causes mental or physical harm to the victim; and
      2. Is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive educational environment
    2. Violence within a dating relationship
  2. By Electronic Means/Cyber-Bullying: Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying includes electronic acts, which mean an act committed through the use of phones, PDAs, computers, electronic notebooks, game systems, or any other electronic or communication devices. (Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying conducted through electronic devices is sometimes referred to as “Cyber-Bullying”.)
  3. Location: Acts constituting Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying subject to this policy must occur to and from school, on school grounds, at school-sponsored or sanctioned activities, or in school transportation in order for the School to be reasonably able to monitor and discern the conduct pursuant to this policy. Cyber-Bullying, subject to this policy, may occur beyond those locations but is covered by this Policy and is strictly forbidden under this Policy.

Types of Conduct

Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying can include many different behaviors including overt intent to ridicule, humiliate or intimidate another student or school personnel. Examples of conduct that could constitute prohibited conduct may include, but is not limited to:

  1. Physical violence and/or attacks;
  2. Threats, taunts and Intimidation through words and/or gestures;
  3. Extortion, damage or stealing of money, property or possessions;
  4. Exclusion from the peer group or spreading rumors;
  5. Repeated remarks of a demeaning nature that have the purpose or effect of causing injury, discomfort, fear or suffering to the victim;
  6. Repetitive and hostile behavior with the intent to harm others through the use of information and communication technologies and other web-based/online sites (also known as “cyber Bullying”), such as the following:
    1. Posting slurs on websites or any form of social media;
    2. Sending or posting abusive or threatening instant messages, emails, texts or communications via social media;
    3. Using cameras or cameras on any devices to take private or embarrassing photographs of students and sending or posting them online or on any form of social media;
    4. Using websites or other electronic communication to circulate gossip and rumors to other students;
    5. Excluding others from an online group by falsely reporting them for inappropriate language to internet service providers.

Complaint Process – Reporting Prohibited Incidents

  1. Students, Parents/Guardians, or other individuals may report suspected Harassment, Intimidation, and/or Bullying to any School personnel. The School Director or his/her designee is responsible for receiving complaints alleging violations of this Policy. School personnel who receive a complaint will promptly report or forward it to the School Director or his/her designee for review and action.
  2. Oral reports of suspected prohibited behavior are considered official complaints in the same manner as a written complaint. School personnel who receive an oral complaint will promptly document the complaint in writing, and will promptly forward it to the School Director for review and action.
  3. Both written and oral complaints shall be reasonably specific as to the actions giving rise to the suspicion of Harassment, Intimidation, and/or Bullying, including person(s) involved, number of times and places of the alleged conduct, the target of the prohibited behavior, and the names of any potential witness.
  4. Anonymous Complaints: Individuals who make complaints as set forth above may request that their name be maintained in confidence by the School. The anonymous complaints will be reviewed and reasonable action will be taken to address the situation, to the extent such action may be taken that (1) does not disclose the source of the complaint; and (2) is consistent with the due process rights of the student(s) alleged to have committed acts of Harassment, Intimidation and/or Bullying.
  5. False Complaints: It is a violation of this policy to knowingly report false allegations of Harassment, Intimidation, and/or Bullying. Persons found to knowingly report or corroborate false allegations will be subject to appropriate discipline.
  6. School personnel, volunteers, and students shall be individually immune from liability in a civil action for damages arising from reporting an incident in accordance with this policy if that person reports an incident in good faith and in compliance with the procedures set forth herein.

School Personnel Responsibilities

  1. Teachers and Other School Personnel Responsibilities
    1. Teachers and other school personnel, who witness acts of Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying, as defined above, will promptly notify the School Director or his/her designee of the event observed by filing a written incident report concerning the events witnessed.
    2. In addition to addressing both informal and formal complaints, school personnel are encouraged to address the issue of Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying in other interactions with students. School personnel may find opportunities to educate students about Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying and help eliminate such prohibited behaviors through class discussions, counseling, and reinforcement of socially appropriate behavior.
    3. School personnel should intervene promptly where they observe student conduct that has the purpose or effect of ridiculing, humiliating, or intimidating another student/school personnel, even if such conduct does not meet the formal definition of “Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying.”
  2. Administrator Responsibilities - Investigation and Documentation
    1. The School Director or his/her designee shall conduct a prompt and thorough investigation of all complaints of suspected Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying. The School Director or his/her designee shall prepare a written report of the investigation when the investigation is complete. Such a report will include findings of fact and a determination of whether acts of Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying were verified. When prohibited acts are verified, the School Director or his/her designee shall also prepare a recommendation for intervention, including disciplinary action. Where appropriate, written witness statements will be attached to the report. It is imperative that Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying be identified only when the specific elements of the definition are met because the designation of such prohibited incidents carry special statutory obligations. However, a determination that misconduct does not constitute Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying under this Policy, does not restrict the right of the School Director to impose appropriate disciplinary consequences for student misconduct.
    2. When an individual reporting a complaint has requested anonymity, the investigation of such complaint will be limited as is appropriate in view of the anonymity of the complaint. Such limitation of investigation may include restricting action to a simple review of the complaint (with or without discussing it with the alleged perpetrator), subject to receipt of further information and/or the withdrawal by the complaining individual of the condition that his/her report be anonymous.

Notification to Parents/Guardians

  1. Perpetrator: If after investigation, acts of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying by a specific student are verified, the School Director or his/her designee will notify, in writing, the parent or guardian of the perpetrator of that finding. If disciplinary consequences are imposed against such student, a description of such discipline will be included in such notification to the extent permitted by law.
  2. Victim: If after investigation, acts of Bullying against a specific student are verified, the School Director or his/her designee will notify the parent or guardian of the victim of such findings. In providing such notification, care must be taken to respect the statutory privacy right, including those set forth in the R.C. § 3319.321 and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, 88 Stat. 571, 20 U.S.C. 1232q of the perpetrator of such Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying.
  3. To the extent permitted by State and Federal privacy laws, parents or guardians of any student involved in a prohibited incident may have access to any written reports pertaining to the prohibited incident.

Remedial Actions

  1. Verified acts of Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying will result in action by the School Director or his/her designee that is intended to ensure that the prohibition against Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying behavior is enforced, with the goal that any such prohibited behavior will cease.
  2. The School recognizes that acts of Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying can take many forms and can vary dramatically in seriousness and impact on the targeted individual and school community. Accordingly, there is no one prescribed response to verified acts of Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying. Disciplinary and appropriate remedial actions for an individual who commits an act of Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying may range from positive behavioral interventions up to, and including, suspension or expulsion.
  3. In determining appropriate action for each individual who commits an act of Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying (including a determination to engage in either non-disciplinary or disciplinary action, as described below), the School Director will give the following factors full consideration:
    1. The degree of harm caused by the incident(s);
    2. The surrounding circumstances;
    3. The nature and severity of the behavior;
    4. The relationship between the parties involved; and
    5. Past incidences or continuing patterns of behavior.
  4. When verified acts of Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying are identified early and/or when such verified acts of such behavior do not reasonably require a disciplinary response, students may be counseled regarding the definition of Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, its prohibition, and their duty to avoid any conduct that could be considered Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying. Peer mediation may also be used, when appropriate.
  5. When acts of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying are verified and a disciplinary response is warranted, students are subject to the full range of disciplinary consequences. Anonymous complaints that are not otherwise verified, however, will not be the basis for disciplinary action.
  6. Suspension or Expulsion may be imposed, but only after the appropriate procedures have been conducted pursuant to the School’s Suspension and Expulsion policy and applicable law. No disciplinary procedure will infringe on any student’s rights under the first amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
  7. The determination that conduct does not constitute Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying under this Policy, however, does not restrict the right of the School Director or the Board or both to impose appropriate disciplinary consequences for student misconduct.

Prevention and Intervention Strategies

In addition to the prompt investigation of complaints of Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying, and direct intervention when such acts are verified, the School will consider potential strategies to protect victims from additional Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying, and from retaliation following a report and to generally ameliorate the effects of Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying. The following potential strategies, as well as other strategies, may be considered:

  1. Supervising and disciplining offending students fairly and consistently;
  2. Providing adult supervision during breaks, lunch time, bathroom breaks and in the hallways during times of transition;
  3. Maintaining contact with parents and guardians of all involved parties;
  4. Providing counseling for the victim if assessed that it is needed;
  5. Informing school personnel of the incident and instructing them to monitor the victim and the offending party for indications of harassing, intimidating, and Bullying behavior; instructing personnel to intervene when prohibited behaviors are witnessed;
  6. Checking with the victim regularly to ensure that there have been no incidents of Harassment/Intimidation/Bullying or retaliation from the offender(s).
  7. Responding respectfully to complaints of suspected prohibited conduct.
  8. Promoting open communication regarding Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying.
  9. Providing professional development and community opportunities to educate and collaborate with school personnel, parents, and community members about addressing Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying.
  10. Educating students regarding Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying.
  11. Creating a school atmosphere of team spirit and collaboration that promotes appropriate social behavior.
  12. Avoiding sex-role stereotypes. Modeling and promoting strategies that instruct students how to work together in a collaborative and supportive atmosphere. Use of peers to help ameliorate the effects of Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying.

Semi-Annual Reporting Obligations

The School Director will semi-annually provide the president of the School’s Board of Directors a written summary of all reported incidents and post the summary on the School’s Website, if one exists. The list will be limited to the number of verified acts of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying, whether in the classroom, on school property, to and from school, or at school-sponsored events.

Publication & Dissemination of Policy

  1. This policy shall be included in the student handbook and in the publication which sets forth the comprehensive rules, standards, and procedures regarding school conduct. The School will annually disseminate this Policy to School personnel, students, and parents.
  2. To ensure school personnel are prepared to prevent and effectively intervene with incidents of Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying, the School has incorporated the information about this Policy into its employee training materials.
  3. Students will be provided with age-appropriate information on the recognition and prevention of Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying, and their rights and responsibilities under this and other School policies, procedures and rules.

Non-Discrimination Policy

TRECA Digital Academy’s policy of nondiscrimination extends to students, staff, the general public, and individuals with whom it does business and applies to race, color, national origin, citizenship status, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, economic status, age, intellectual abilities, achievement or aptitude, athletic ability, or disability.

TRECA Digital Academy does not permit discriminatory practices and views harassment as a form of discrimination. Harassment is defined as intimidation by threats of or actual physical violence; the creation, by whatever means, of a climate of hostility or intimidation; or the use of language, conduct or symbols in such a manner as to be commonly understood to convey hatred, contempt, or prejudice or to have the effect of insulting or stigmatizing an individual.

Preferred Name and Pronoun Identification

To support a safe and inclusive environment, if students identify with a name different from their birth certificate name or use non-traditional pronouns, families may complete the form provided and submit it to Administration. This information will be used to update our Student Information and Learning Management Systems to ensure your student is referenced by their preferred name. Please note that a preferred name should not be a nickname, but rather a name that does not correspond with their birth certificate name. Families with questions regarding this name or pronoun adjustment should communicate with their student's school counselor. 

SAFE (Student Assistance Family Engagement Program)

SAFE is a learning support component at TRECA developed to assist students with reducing barriers to learning. SAFE uses direct intervention practices to address the immediate concerns of at-risk students. The program achieves this by focusing on several components: on-line resources, face-to-face and phone contact, as well as linkage to local community agencies.

SAFE’s goal is to ensure that the school and community are working together to increase positive outcomes for students and parents by identifying and reducing barriers to learning. SAFE staff helps families and teachers work together towards reaching student success in the classroom. SAFE also assists families with accessing community resources and services.

Child Abuse Reporting Policy

TRECA Digital Academy is an online, public community school. In an attempt to ensure for the safety and wellbeing of all of its students and being a mandated reporter of child abuse and neglect under Ohio law, it will fully and without exception, abide by the following Policy when it comes to the detection and reporting of child abuse and neglect:

  • All suspected cases of child abuse and neglect will be reported to the local public children service agency and/or law enforcement agency in full compliance with Section 2151.421 of the Ohio Revised Code. We will follow this legal mandate and all provisions contained in this statute, which requires anyone with a suspicion that a child is or has been abused “will immediately cause a formal report to be made to the local public children services agency and/or law enforcement agency in the county of where the child resides”. Teachers, educators, and most school personnel working with children are mandated reporters under this Ohio law. Therefore, as a matter of Policy and in compliance with Ohio law, all TRECA Digital Academy staff will fully comply and abide with this legal mandate and its statutory requirements.
  • Further, any teacher, educator, and/or school personnel needing and/or desiring training in the detection and reporting of child abuse and neglect and their legal obligations as a result of being a mandated reporter, will be afforded such training through the four hour online in-service training course, also mandated by law for all new educators, developed and now available through TRECA Professional Development course offerings. Questions regarding this policy and legal requirements herein, requests for more information on course offerings for our staff regarding abuse and neglect identification, and the legal mandate for educators to report can be directed to the TDA Director of Instruction.

Child Find

TRECA Digital Academy is committed to the location, identification and provision of a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE), for all children between the ages of 3 and 22, having disabilities.

Location and referral of such children (Child Find) may be initiated by anyone with knowledge of the child and suspecting the child may have a disability. Disability, in this instance, means such conditions as hearing impairments, visual impairments, speech or language impairments, specific learning disabilities, cognitive disabilities, mental retardation, emotional disturbance, other health impairments, physical impairments, autism, and traumatic brain injury.

What has TRECA Digital Academy done?

TRECA Digital Academy has responded vigorously to federal and state mandates requiring the provision of a free appropriate public education regardless of a child’s disability. Before the school can serve the children, they must be found. Through CHILD FIND, TRECA works:

  • To promote public awareness of disabilities
  • To alert parents, professionals, and the public to children who may have special needs
  • To assist school districts in finding children who may have disabilities and who otherwise may not have come to their attention
  • To enable children and families to receive the special education and related services that are needed

What can YOU do?

If you know a child who may have special needs, help is available. Please make a phone call, then the school district will contact the parents of the child to find out if the child needs to be evaluated. Free testing is available to families to determine whether or not a special need exists. If a need is identified, the child can begin receiving the appropriate SST at the number below:

TRECA Digital Academy
107 N. Main St., STE 100
Marion, Ohio 43302
Central Ohio SST 11
Delaware, Fairfield, Franklin, Licking, Madison, Pickaway, Union
North East Ohio SST 5
Ashtabula, Mahoning, Trumbull
Northern Ohio SST 2
Erie, Huron, Lorain
Cuyahoga SST 3
Northwest Ohio SST 1
Defiance, Fulton, Hancock, Henry, Lucas, Ottawa, Paulding, Putnam, Sandusky, Seneca, Van Wert, Williams
East Central Ohio SST 12
Belmont, Carroll, Coshocton, Guernsey, Harrison, Holmes, Jefferson, Muskingum, Noble, Tuscarawas
East Shore SST 4
Geauga, Lake
Pilasco Ross SST 15
Lawrence, Pike, Ross, Scioto
Hopewell SST 14
Adams, Brown, Clinton, Fayette, Highland
Southeastern Ohio SST 16
Athens, Gallia, Hocking, Jackson, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, Perry, Vinton, Washington
Lincoln Way SST 9
Columbiana, Stark, Wayne
Southwestern Ohio SST 13
Butler, Clermont, Hamilton, Warren
Miami Valley SST 10
Clark, Darke, Greene, Miami, Montgomery, Preble
West Central Ohio SST 6
Allen, Auglaize, Champaign, Hardin, Logan, Mercer, Shelby
Mid-Eastern Ohio SST 8
Medina, Portage, Summit
North Central Ohio SST 7
Ashland, Crawford, Knox, Marion, Morrow, Richland, Wyandot
Pilasco Ross SST 15
Lawrence, Pike, Ross, Scioto

Integrity of Student Work

Plagiarism Guidelines

What is plagiarism? Simply put, it is taking the words or ideas of another person and passing them off as your own - that is, you have failed to “cite,” or name, the source from which you collected your information. In plain words, you are copying.

Sometimes plagiarism is deliberate - buying another’s research paper from a web site or copying your friend’s work is plagiarism. It does not matter if your friend gives you permission to copy; it is still not allowed! Sometimes you might plagiarize without realizing it. Copying from a friend or copying something directly out of a book or article is rather obvious. But you might not have considered other types of plagiarism. Here are some other common examples of plagiarism:

Copying and pasting information from a web site directly into your work without naming the web site or author (if known) of the work. The Internet is still relatively new. People are just beginning to understand how to use the information found there. If you copy and paste from a web site, it MUST be cited using the format you learned in class. Also, the parts you copy and paste can only be a small part of your paper or work.

Using an online “essay generator” program or AI (ChatGPT) to create ideas or content that is not their own. A user types in a subject or other criteria, and the program prepares content or an essay to the specifications.  The same is true for math solver apps and sites. Use of such programs for this purpose is NOT acceptable. Although you are not copying another person’s work, you are copying the work of a machine. You are not doing your own work.

Paraphrasing. This example is one that confuses students the most. It is NOT acceptable to take a long section from a book, article, or web site and simply change the words around. Just altering a few words does not make the ideas yours. This is plagiarism.

You will be asked to redo an assignment that is plagiarized. You will not be able to move on in your coursework until you submit work that is acceptable and also your own. Repeated use of plagiarized material may result in disciplinary measures, suspension, or even removal from school.

You are responsible for reading and understanding these guidelines. If you do not, they still apply. You cannot use the excuse, “I did not know.” Plagiarism is dishonest. It cheats authors out of their rightful recognition for what they have produced. Moreover, it cheats you out of the benefit of doing your own work and learning how to express yourself and your own ideas. If you have questions, please ask your teacher.

(Guidelines from Consortium of College & University Media Center)

General Guidelines

Students may use portions of lawfully acquired copyrighted works in their academic multimedia projects with proper credit and citations. They may retain them in personal portfolios as examples of their academic work. Students must include on the opening screen of their programs and on any printed materials that their presentation has been prepared under fair use exemption of the U.S. Copyright Law and are restricted from further use.

Fair use ends when the multimedia creator loses control of their product’s use, such as when it is accessed by others over the Internet.

Students need not write for permission if their presentation falls within the specific multimedia fair use guidelines; however, students are advised to note that if there is a possibility that their own educational multimedia project incorporating copyrighted works under fair use could later result in broader dissemination, whether or not as commercial product, it is strongly recommended that they take steps to obtain permissions during the development process for all copyrighted portions rather than waiting until after completion of the project.

Guidelines for Multimedia


  • Up to 10% of a copyrighted work or 1000 words, whichever is less


  • Entire poem if less than 250 words.
  • 250 words or less if a longer poem.
  • No more than 5 poems (or excerpts) of different poets, from an anthology.
  • Only 3 poems (or excerpts) per poet.

Motion Media

  • Up to 10% of a copyrighted work or 3 minutes, whichever is less.
  • Clip cannot be altered in any way.


  • A photograph or illustration may be used in its entirety.
  • No more than 5 images of an artist’s or photographer’s work.
  • When using a collection, no more than 10% or no more than 15 images, whichever is less.


  • Up to 10% of a copyrighted musical composition, but no more than 30 seconds.
  • Up to 10% of a body of sound recording, but no more than 30 seconds.
  • Any alterations cannot change the basic melody or the fundamental character of the work.

Numerical Data Set

  • A cell entry is defined as the intersection where a row and a column meet on a spreadsheet.
  • A field entry is defined as a specific item of information (e.g. name, Social Security number) in a record of a database file.
  • Up to 10% or 2500 fields or cell entries, whichever is less, from a copyrighted database or data table.

Internet Guidelines

Internet resources often combine both copyrighted and public domain sites; therefore care should be used in downloading any sites for use in multimedia presentations. Until further clarification, students are advised to write for permission to use Internet resources and to be mindful of the copyright ramifications of including embedded additional links to that particular site.

Copying and Distribution Limitations

Do not post multimedia projects claiming fair use exemption on an unsecured website. No more than 2 copies of the original production may be made. Only 1 may be placed on reserve for others to use for instructional purposes. An additional copy may be made for preservation purposes, but may be used or copied only to replace a copy that has been lost, damaged or stolen. If more than one person has created the multimedia presentation, each principal creator may retain only one copy.

Alteration Limitations

  • Multimedia selections falling within the above guidelines may be altered to illustrate a specific technique or to support a specific instructional objective.
  • Notation of the alteration should be documented within the presentation itself.

Multimedia Presentation Citations

  • Students must credit sources, giving full bibliographic information when available.
  • Students must display the copyright notice and copyright ownership information if this is shown in the original source.
  • Copyright information for images may be shown in a separate bibliographic section unless the presentation is being used for distance learning. In this case, the information must be incorporated within the image itself (i.e. it must appear on the screen when the image is viewed).

Permission Requirements

  • For multimedia projects used for non-educational or commercial purposes.
  • For duplication or distribution of multimedia projects beyond limitations outlined above.

© Information Technology Evaluation Services, Public Schools of North Carolina, 1997