The courses, designed to prepare students for college, contain a variety of deliverables, including tests, papers, discussions, and more. Each full year (1 credit) course is divided into 12 blocks, and each block is designed to take about 3 weeks to complete; however, because the coursework is entirely online and always available, students can work through the course at their own pace. We allow up to 52 weeks from the student’s enrollment date to complete the course(s). Our course offerings are divided into semesters. If the student is taking one semester (.5 credit) course only, the student will see and complete 6 blocks of work.
Each course contains a Course Overview, which will explain the grading procedures for the course. The gradebook (Grades tab) will contain an assignment list for all blocks the student is in. Students must finish all assignments in the course to earn credit. If all assignments are not complete, the grade on the transcript will be an I, meaning incomplete, with 0 credits earned. All assignments listed in the gradebook are factored into the final grade. Tests labeled “mastery test” require an 80% or higher in order to be marked as complete; the grade in your gradebook for “mastery tests” will show as 0% until the test is completed. Once complete, the score will be updated to 100% completion credit.
There are no + or – grades issued. At the end of the program, TRECA will send a transcript to your counselor that includes the course name, final score and letter grade, and credit earned. The counselor will decide what data is recorded on your local school transcript.
TRECA takes plagiarism very seriously. What is plagiarism? Simply put, it is taking the words or ideas or another person and passing them off as your own – that is, you have failed to "cite," or name, the source from which you collected your information. In plain words, you are copying. Plagiarism may result in being asked to redo the assignment, receiving a 0 for the assignment, or not receiving course credit. Please be sure that all work you submit is your own original work or that it is properly cited.
Review the support pages below to get started. Make sure to log in promptly after receiving your username and password. If you have trouble with your login, call the Help Desk at 888-828-4798, ext. 2791.
With counselor approval, any student in grade 9-12 in the state of Ohio!
Absolutely! Talk with your counselor to explore the best options to meet your needs.
All course offerings can be found here.
The fee for each semester (.5 credit) course is $300. Full payment is due upfront.
You can register at any time!
TRECA will send an email with your login information when your course is ready.
Nope! The coursework is completely online.
Dedicated advisors are available to each student. It's important to keep their info on hand. Families receive specific contact details in their getting started email. The Help Desk is also available Monday-Friday from 8am-4pm. They can be reached by email at or by phone at 888-828-4798, ext: 2791.
Parents, make sure to include your email address in the registration process. We will include you on all communications. The student/guardian are responsible for tracking progress and making sure that all courses are complete by the deadline. Progress is available 24/7 to view.
Students must have their own computer that meets minimum technical requirements posted. Students will also need to have high-speed Internet access. Due to intermittent outages, satellite Internet is not recommended.
Courses completed through Flex 52-Week may not be accepted by the NCAA.
Sorry! Extra credit is not available.
IEP, 504 and any other accommodations are not provided in TRECA Flex; therefore, it is important that you speak with your counselor to make sure that online courses are the right option.
As part of the registration process, you will provide your counselor's contact information. We will use that information to send a transcript to your counselor.
A student may drop a course and receive a full refund if the cancellation is requested within ten calendar days from the date of payment. Please keep in mind when registering that new enrollments are completed during business days/hours. Requests must be sent via email to For each refund requested, please include the student's name and identify the course you wish to cancel for a refund.